Author | Article Title | Affiliation |
 | Keynote speaker: Dr. Peri Yuksel | Adapting to AI Disruption in Higher Ed: Empowering Critical Thinking and Mental Health through Student-Centered Teaching | Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at New Jersey City University (NJCU), USA |
 | Prof.Wai Ming Ng | A Study of the Origins of the Japanese Beckoning Cat | Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
 | Prof.Deborah Court | The Epistemology of Knowing the Other | Bar-Ilan University and Arab Academic College, Israel |
 | Prof.Paul Aitchison | Crusading Vows before and During the First Crusade | Florida College, United States |
 | Prof.Katarzyna Nowicka | Digital Technologies in Circular Economy: Catalysing Sustainable Transformation | SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland |
 | Prof.Haejin Shin | Understanding intergenerational acculturation gap in Korean multicultural families | Seoul National University of Science and Technology, South Korea |
 | Dr.Anwesha Das | Racism, Xenophobia, and Public Policy in India | Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Bengaluru Campus, India |
 | Dr.Corina Ghetie | Fictional Texts as Paths for Self-Discovery and Critical Thinking | Georgia State University, United States |
 | Dr.Funmilola Megbowon | Masculine Identities and Women’s Subjugation: An Analysis of The Purple Violet of Oshaantu and Purple Hibiscus | Walter Sisulu University, South Africa |
 | Dr.Vivek Singh | From Humanities to Digital Humanities: Promises and Provocations in India | Banaras Hindu University, India |
 | Dr.Ngwanamoelo Kate Ndwandwe | Collaborative Upskilling: Enhancing Life Science Teaching in Rural Schools | University of Zululand, South Africa |
 | Dr.Safiah Madkhali | Exceptive Constructions in Qur’anic Arabic | Umm Al-Qura University, South Africa |
 | Dr.Muhammad Khan | Nudges to Curb Disposable Plastic Drinkware: A Cricket Game Experiment | COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus, Pakistan |
 | Dr.Nour Bajuwaiber | From Islamophobia to Neo-Islamophobia: An Analytical Review of Muslim Representations in Cinema Following 9/11 | King Saud University, Saudi Arabia |
 | Ms.Hrnoor Bhatia | Social Media and Rise of Spirituality in India: A McLuhan’s Approach | Apeejay Stya University, India |
 | Ms.Hafsa Dawood | From College to Lifelong Success: Science-backed Inclusive Approaches to Educational High-Impact Practices | New Jersey City University, United States |
 | Mrs.Kyriaki Sfakiotaki | Distance Education’s Study Prerequisites in the Artificial Intelligence Era | Hellenic Open University, Greece |
 | Mrs.Ayshan Mammadzada | Green Skills Migration: Policy Frameworks for Driving North America’s Sustainable Transition | University of Ottawa, Canada |
 | Miss.Sudeshna Mukherjee | (Re)Thinking Environment as Shongshar: Deconstructing the Universal through Rituals of Bengal | Banaras Hindu University, India |
 | Miss.Anisa Jenishaj (Agastra) | Comparative profiles of pull and push factors of Albanian emigration | University of Tirana, Albania |
 | Miss.Nuo Chen | Constructing an Immersive Virtual IP-Themed Restaurant from an Experience Economy Perspective: A Case Study of the Final Fantasy XIV-Themed Hydaelyn Café | Nanjing Forestry University, China |
 | Mr.Yi Hu | The Sogdians’ Influence on the Silk Road from the 4th to the 9th Century | The University of California, United States |
 | Mr.Matteo Michele Catania | Amplifying the narrative voice. Rhetorical strategies within the Polynesian novel Lettre à Poutaveri | Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma – UNINT, Italy |
 | Mr.Laszlo Huszar | In Search of Lost Times: Cultural Self-Representation of Professional Criminals in the Transitioning Hungarian Society | ELTE university, Hungary |