Organizational and Legal Support Of The National Security Of Modern Russia
A.A. Kadyrov Chechen State University, Russia
Prof. Benzahra Mustapha
The Promotion of Ideology Through the Revision of African Oral Tradition in Ayi Kwei Armah’s Two Thousand Seasons
Moulay Ismail University, Meknès, Morocco
Dr. Saman Abdulqadir Hussein Dizayi
Myth-making in Modern Literature: Harry Potter
Erbil Polytechnic University, Iraq
Dr. Tamar Gelashvili
History as a Nightmare (Irish Nationalism during WWI in Ulysses by James Joyce and Observing the Sons of Ulster marching towards Somme by Frank McGuinness)
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia
Dr. Lawrence Abiwu
Organisational Learning-Catalyst for Sustainability in Higher Education Institutions
University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
Dr. Darrin Hicks
Improving Promotion and Tenure Reviews by using a Deliberative Decision-Making Model
University of Denver, The United States
Ms. Aneesah Nishaatt
Relationship between Gratitude and Well-being: A Study on Indian University Students
Soka University, Japan
Ms. Luxin Yin
From Medical Humanity to Children’s Literature: What Does Children’s Literature Contribute to Medical Humanity
University of Glasgow, The United Kingdom
Ms. Veronika Vargova
“Keep reaching out your hand”: Accepting death and trauma in A Court of Silver Flames and Under the Whispering Door
Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Miss.Lina Aleassa
The EU׳s Regional Refugees Approach׃ A Promising, yet, Contesting Approach.
Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Miss. Tsz Ching Jasmine Lam
Interactional modifications between ESL learners in the specification of negotiation of meaning and negative feedback
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Mr. Vazha Santeladze
Economic conditions of Georgian Church and Monasteries in the XI – beginning of the XIII century (based on Historical Documents)
Ivane javakhishvili tbilisi state university, Georgia
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